round robin scheduling algorithm says that all of competitors get same amount of time for processing there task. It’s easier to set up a round robin scheduling algorithmwhen we have even number’s of team’s.
this article demonstrate the round robin scheduling tutorial. the following round robin scheduling algorithm demonstrate step by step procedure for implementing round robin scheduling algorithm in os(Operating System ) concept. and also the round robin scheduling algorithm example.
Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm Example
In this Example we tell you the example of the round robin algorithm used in Operating system OS. Here 3 process are taken P1, P2 and P3 respectively. the time quantum is assigned to each process is 4. now firstly P1 process get CPU time for execution of P1 Process operation. after 4 time quantum CPU give to other process by the Operating System. then P2 process take and so on. this process will continue till the processes are complete it’s execution.
process Burst time Waiting time Turnaround time
P1 24 6 30
P2 3 4 7
P3 3 7 10
So here we can see the turn-around-time for process P1 is 30 while 7 and 10 for P2 and P3 process.
A Gantt chart is a chart which shows the start and finish times of all the processes .
Gantt chart for the round-robin-algorithm :
| P1 | P2 | P3 | P1 | P1 | P1 | P1 | P1 |
0 4 7 10 14 18 22 26 30
Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
- program start.
- Declare variables that required for round robin scheduling algorithm .
- take number of process are require.
- Take burst time for every process.
- Take quantum value ( time limit of process ).
- take arrival time for every process.
- Taken data, Calculate the waiting time & turn-around time and average-turn-around time of the process.
- print the result.
- End of program.
Advantages of Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
- Round-robin scheduling max-min fairness, if data packet’s are having equal size.
- the data flow that can waited longer time is given by scheduler priority.
- Round-robin scheduling may not be desired if size of the job / tasks is strongly varying.
- those user who produces large job would be favored over users than other.
the Implementation of C Program round robin Algorithm Please go to Following Link
round robin scheduling algorithm in c with explanation
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