how to earn money online

today world is completely depend on internet and this changed way of lives functionality. As we today to help of our things at one click a button, we can’t imagine from last decades ago. Distance not matter for communication.


Currently many people are thinking of how to earn money online for free. Most business, industry, media, organization are allowearn money online from home without investment of money.
There are many online business give your question answer i.e. how to earn money online for free without investment. They need a lot of man power for complete the task they have and online (i.e remotely work) is most easier and beneficial for business task completion.

Let’s talk about seriously about how to earn money online without paying anything and carefully to prohibit from rich quick because this may result of failure.

 Method 1 of 3 : Create Website or Blog

Creating own blog or website is easiest way to earn money online for free. With this blog you can sign up to various advertising service provider to get advertising for earn money online. Today top 5 advertising providers are listed below.

  1. Google adsense
  2. Yahoo Bing Advertise Network
  3. advertising
  4. Chitika
  5. infolinks

i know what are you think now. you need to create your own website to do so. you are searching for affordable web hosting for your business at cheapest price then you can buy from Domain Racer. they provide domain plus hosting at very cheap rate and is best to start your blogging to earn money though advertising. you can also increase your social power by getting twitter followers andincreasing twitter followers.

Method 2 of 3 : Become Affiliate Marketer

If you have marketing strategies then affiliate marketing is best way to earn money online without paying anything. Amazon is one of the world best affiliate marketing website. This help you to manage your content also they provide you api i.e interface by which you can easily create you affiliate marketing.



To get ideas of affiliate marketing to earn money online for free you can refer amazon like site. They provide documentation to make affiliate client to easier to start affiliate business. you need only website for than you can use blog or buy own web hosting for small business.

Method 3 of 3 : Flip Domain names

Domain name is potentially valuable internet property and lot of people actually make nice living off just with this business strategy. They sell and buy domains that have market needs.


you have a question

“who I can know this domain is valuable or not ? “

Answer is simple use google adwords for finding keywords that have values and use those info to buy domain names.  You can earn lot of money though this strategy. You have no limit to buy you domain.

Example sold for over $50,000

 other methods :  how to earn money online for free

Hope you get better understanding about how to earn money online. Some other techniques are listed below.

  1. Do online survey
  2. Enter content
  3. Become affiliate marketer
  4. Sell book
  5. Freelance designer
  6. Sell an app
  7. Sell articles
  8. Find product and services to promote
  9. Sell your photos online
  10. Selling your designs
  11. E-tutoring
  12. Buying and selling domains

Before apply any strategy please analyze at your level and then start. you need organic traffic to your website to earn money for. For this need to know about search engine optimization classes los angeles and best seo tools tools to increase search ranking.

Enjoy the strategy and start your first step towards success. Include your ideas and make them more attractive so visitor like thus things and result into improvement in your money revenues. How to earn money online for free without paying anything is now cleared in your mind.