How to Choose SEO-Friendly Domain Name for Website?

The significance of keywords in domains is a topic of continuous discussion. Some claim they influence search engine rankings, as that applies to the modern SEO industry. However, domain names for SEO continue to be a key component of driving relevant traffic to a website today.

This article will try to inform readers about the best ways to give a website a domain name. It is a helpful piece that might help you take a step toward SEO success and domain name search engines will help you in finding appropriate keywords for you. DomainRacer makes things easy for you to get a domain name that satisfies the terms of SEO.

Importance of Best Domain Name for SEO

  • A memorable domain name keeps visitors on your site and raises brand awareness that establishes your brand.
  • A good domain name contributes to each of the outcomes. I.e it boosts search traffic and also improves the click-through rate (CTR).
  • Your website seems more proficient when it has a nice domain name. A domain is the first thing that visitors will notice, which gives your website more rightfulness.
  • It improves your online visibility in the physical world or online spaces.
  • Gives a more rightfulness for small or mid-level firms.
  • Builds client’s faith in a walk-in business.

Factors to Consider while Choosing the Domain Name

The domain name has some important factors which you should understand and consider while choosing the domain name.

  • Pronounceable and Simple to Read – It should be easy to pronounce by anyone of any age or from anywhere. There should be no complications to pronounce it as Google, Amazon, or DomainRacer. These are the few examples that are pronounceable easily and simple to read.
  • Including Keyword – Including the keyword in the domain name gives additional input in SEO rankings. For increasing traffic probably it should rank in google with the help of keywords it’s easy to do so.
  • Brandable Name – Having a brandable name makes it easy for users or anyone on the internet to recall your domain name. It makes it easy to remember anyone without any confusion.
  • Avoid Hyphens and Numbers – When you decide to choose a domain try to avoid numbers and hyphens if that is not necessary.
  • Avoid Copy and Double Letter Words – If you are trying to have a good future for your business without any problems you should not copy anyone. Should avoid unnecessary confusion about words in it.
  • Try to Register with a Popular Extension – With a popular extension that makes an impact on the internet in every aspect, seo domains.

Domain Name and SEO

Websites need to load quickly, have high-quality content, and have backlinks, these elements also affect your ranking. Among other ranking variables, your search engine rankings can be improved with a catchy domain name.

A bad domain name selection can also hurt your SEO ranking, which is perhaps more significant. Not only Domain name affects the SEO ranking but even other elements do as we discussed earlier. DomainRacer helps you to find SEO-friendly domain names and register them at affordable pricing.

  • Using Short Domain Name – One-word domain names help much in SEO ranking as they are easy to remember. But almost all single-word popular domains are taken, so try with two words which also helps in SEO.
  • Be to the Point – You should be clear about your business goal and that should reflect in your domain name.
  • Simple to Type – Once you’ve narrowed down your selections, make sure the domain you choose is short, simple to type, and easy to remember. As a general guideline, domain names should not exceed three words and should not frequently employ complex or hyphenated terms.
  • Remember the Other Domains – Just don’t think about the domain name which you want to go for. Better also check the options which make an impact on SEO that will help you in ranking on google.
  • Choose Extension Wisely – When you decide to choose the domain name extension plays an important role in it. Try choosing the .com extension which is the top priority for anyone when choosing a domain name.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the ideal domain name for SEO?

It’s not like that one particular domain name is ideal there are factors that make a domain name ideal. So you should consider and understand the elements before choosing a domain name. Elements to consider-

  • Keep it short and simple.
  • Use of keywords.
  • Use a brand name.
  • Avoid Hyphens and Numbers.

Q. How can I come up with a memorable domain name?

It can be difficult to come up with a memorable domain name that is also the best option for your company long term, but the effort is definitely worth it.

  • Select the appropriate domain extension
  • Represents your company.
  • Make sure your domain name is catchy and accurate.

Q. How to know if a domain name is available or not?

You can go for DomainRacer which can help you to know if a domain name is available or not. If the domain name is not available they help you to give suggestions related to your keyword and topic. So better choose the one which helps in all aspects rather than going for different platforms.


It may seem like you are starting over when you develop your website for your business. You must choose a domain name, look for hosting options, then create your website. Your website must be built with SEO ranking variables in mind if you want to drive organic traffic.

DomainRacer would definitely help you to find an SEO-friendly domain name and suggest keywords for the domain name. Keeping in mind all factors or elements of a domain name helps you find the same. It can show you the availability of keyword domains and keyword domains.

So hope you got a clear idea about how domain names can help in SEO. How can choose a domain name keeping the SEO factors in mind? So that would definitely help you in ranking in google. It’s not only about domain name which matters for SEO but it’s a major part to rank in google.