Category Archives: JAVA Projects

Blood Bank Management System in Java

INTRODUCTION OF BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM   The BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in java is great project. this project is designed for successful completion of project on blood bank management system. the basic building aim is to provide blood donation service to the city recently. The major task Blood bank system to provide blood to

Car Sales Management System | Java Project

The car sales management system project in java is system to derive this system we must know some basic information related to Cars. like car model number, car price, car specification, speed, average and many other factors. This Car Sales Management System is make you more easier to make car sales management system project in

Student Information System Project (SIS)

A student information system is system application program for college and schools detail about student reporting system. Generally similar application are (1) student record system (SRS), (2) campus management system (CMS), (3) student information management system (SIMS), (4) school management system (SMS) or Student management system (SMS). The SIS (student information system) is similar to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system for customer in

Online Voting System Project | Java Election Voting System

How Current Online Election Voting System Work ? The Existing System of Election Voting System is running manually. The Voter has to Visit to Booths to Vote a Candidate so there is wastage of Time. The Election Voting System has to manually register into the Voter List. Also Vote counting has to be done manually.