Vehicle Management System Project VB

vehicle management system project documentation

Vehicle management system project in vb is an application that is computerized in this application manages the all vehicle in show room. In this system there are variety of vehicles which is based on the model and types of vehicle such as two wheeler, four wheeler, ten wheeler etc. Vehicle management system project report, in this report contain the systematic approach is need to manage the records of vehicle, customers, booking of vehicle and delivery of vehicles.

This application is complete management solution for vehicle management. The main aim of this application or system is the show room module, which include vehicle details as well as image with more potions. Vehicle management system project in vb is used to show the official details of the vehicles. First of all customer look the image of motor after that they book the vehicles. And delivery modules are used to track the order and delivery details of vehicle in the showroom.

Hardware requirement

Processor                     :           Intel Pentium 3 or later

RAM                           :           256 MB

Hard disk                    :           160 GB

Software requirement

Front End                    :           VB.NET

Back End                    :           SQL

OS                               :           window XP or above version

Vehicle showroom management system project reportis provided on link. In this report we manage all the information about vehicles, and also provide the guidance.This system ia also available for download. We will also provide the project report, documentation, and ppt and abstract on the link. By using this documentation we will understand the flow of work.

This project is also available onVehicle management system project documentation that will be helpful to engineering student. In report we will provide all the form description that how system is login, home page and so on.

Download vehicle management system project

vehicle management system project in vb