Hardware Control using Joystick or Joypad

Hardware Control Using Joypad Software

Hardware Control Using Joystick or joypad one can control devices like stepper motor, relay, switches, DC motors etc. so basically we can control external hardware using joystick. In this we are using parallel port through which one can control external devices and reading the inputs from game port.

Hardware Control Using Joypad Flowchart

In Hardware Control using Joystick / Joypad project one can rotate the stepper motor by specific angel or rotate them with user defined speed, which is used in robotics to control their arm movement. it can be used in agricultural level to automate their system of electronic pump. At industrial level to automate their hardware such as turn on / off, rotate them at certain step angel. It can be used control home made application such case controlling the Fans, light i.e turn them on/ off. So Hardware control using joystick / joypad one can achieve high efficiency while using it.


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Hardware Control using Joystick or Joypad