Online complaint management system project is web based application which is developed in php and my sql that is database. This application is used to manage the complaints of user is online. No need to go I office for complaint. Just user have to login the system and create complaints. Complaint management system project in php maintain the complaints about the product. This is very useful to busy people. It is a web application designed to provide solution for citizens problem to reach government officials to register complaints through online and no need to complaint manually
Online complaint management system project documentationis also available on provided link. Which is helpful to understand the how the system is work. The main goal of online complaint management system project reportis to provide solution in online way the problem faced by people. Online complaint management system project report save the time and provide guidance to new user
Hardware Requirement Complaint management system project in php
- Processor : Intel Core Duo 2.0 GHz
- RAM : 2GB
- Hard dick : 80GB or more
- Monitor : 15” CRT or LCD monitor
Software Requirement Complaint management system project in php
- Front End : PHP
- Back End : SQL database
- Operation System : Windows XP or above version
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Download Complaint System Project in VB
complaint management system project
complaint management system project documentation