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Job Portal Project Description
here job seeker and employer can apply there CV and also accept CV and resume submitted by seeker. Job seeker can apply there CV and resume to get opportunity to get job. employer can choose the resume based on there requirement and give job to job seeker. you can apply your resume need to register on online job portal project in asp.net. job portal project documentation given tell about project download website. you can also download other best asp.net projects from here.
documentation of job portal project srs is info about this website with some project list. you can use those project as your final year projects. administrate has full of control on this project. so he or she can use this asp.net project for job applier and job provider to get job and employe. it’s full control admin can block and also provide additional feature to there client account. any time admin can reject or accept request send by job seeker or employer.
online job portal project in asp.net free download
To use this system you need .net framework and environment to run asp.net on server. basic knowledge of html, css, java script for job portal project in asp.net free download documentation of job portal project. features also provided with this system like you can choose and reject application form.