Objective of online car rental system project is to maintain records of cars. Car rental system project report and documentation is attached with this page in php and asp.net. Basically this system help car rental shopper to make daily record and easy billing of customers. Also help to maintain monthly revenues and help to analysis data to grow business. Car rental management system project is best suited for those car rental providers.
This system work 24×7 because of it’s online existence. You can use this system from anywhere and anytime. Small business owner don’t need to maintain physical record like papers, diary and other component. Just need a phone by using web browser you can use this service easily.
Component of car rental system project
- Login Panel.
- Registration facility.
- Master control panel
- Salary calculator
- Renting car records
- Notification system
- Report generation
Some Basic Feature of Rent System
- Reduce Paper Work.
- Graphical user interface.
- Structured Database
- Easy to maintain
Requirement to Run Car Rental System
- Normal PC (1GB Ram, 20GB HDD)
- Langurage: ASP,NET
- Database: SQL Server 2008
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