Category Archives: PHP Major Projects

Stock Management System Project PHP VB

Stock management system project assumes control over the bookkeeping and accounting is to be needed to operate a Warehouse for a company specializing in retail sales of food and groceries. All day-to-day operations of the warehouse, as well as conducted to the weekly accounting of the products stored in the warehouse and disbursed to participating

School Management System Project PHP VB

School management system project in php .This project will handle the whole of  the activities of the school. SMS has most of the facilities that a modern school requires to computerize its day-to-day jobs. It provides the  facilities to keep up the records of student, fees, teaching and non-teaching staff with all their for  required

Order Sales and Inventory Management System Project

Order sales and inventory management system project is computer software which is developed for managing the departmental store. This application can be used to store the details of the inventory, sales details and produce receipts of sales, and also generate the reports. Sales management system project in php is developed in php programming language, which

Human Resource Management System Project

“Human resource management system project” is basically concerned with managing the Administrator of human resources department in a company or organization. Human resource management system is not only becomes a desire of the company or organization but it becomes the necessity of the company. Nearly 60% of total budget is spent towards salary and allowance

Online Leave Management System Project

Online leave management system project in php and is computerized application or online application which is useful to the entire user who is in corporate organization. This application can be useful to maintain the workflow of online leave management system project and there approval in corporate organization. Also this is useful in college life or