Category Archives: VB Mini Projects

Mobile Management System Project

In mobile management system project the all information regarding to the mobile shop. This project is also download on your computer with source code.The main characteristics of the  mobile shop management system project vb net is nothing but the Relational database management is used. The different shortcut keys are provided into this mobile shop project

Airline Reservation System Project | ALL Languages

airline reservation system project is an desktop application software. easier to install from windows. better way to use .net framework 4.5 for better performance of airline reservation system project. In this project the Flit timing such as arrival time and take up time of aero plane is also shown. with airline reservation system project documentation

College Management System Project | VB Project

college management system project is free project basically developed in visual studio of latest version. also er diagram of college management system is shown in following class diagram of college management system. which is not exactly related to project but it contain broad map of project. to know more download project report of college management